The CSIC launches the JAE Intro 2021 call "Introduction to Research Fellowships for University Students". This call is open to University students who are willing to begin working in the field of research in Materials Science, Phyiscs, Chemistry, Biology, Biomedicine and related areas in an attractive environment in a CSIC Research Center.
The fellowships are for 5 consecutive months during the academic year 2021-2021 starting in October. The application will be open from 10 March to 10 April 2021.
The ICMAB offers a total of 19 projects within this call in the field of Energy Conversion and Storage, Superconductors, Oxides and Complex Structures, Organic Electronics and Bioactive materials for therapy and diagnosis.
From all the applicants, the CSIC will grant 250 fellowships, of 3,000 € each for 5 consecutive months during the academic year 2021-2022, with the possibility of an extension of 4 more months for 2.400 €. The mentored research training period will take place at the ICMAB facilities.
Check the projects offered here
The call is for university students with an excellent academic record. Applicants should have an average grade equal or higher than 8.0/10. The fellowships are for university students who have passed at least 80 % of their degrees, or who will start studying an Official University Master during 2021-2022 in the fields of Materials Science and Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Biomedicine.
The objective is to initiate students in the research activity in the diverse scientific areas, and to enable them to be in contact with the ICMAB research center and its researchers.
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